Commercial Projects
Non-domestic projects often bring a differing set of challenges such as timescales, financial viability, logistics etc. whilst the key objectives of any given brief can be very different to those of domestic clients. This requires a different approach and we enjoy the variety that such projects offer.
St Oswald’s C.E. Primary
The junior was set to become a primary school and required additional class room space. With limited space to extend, an agreement with the diocese was reached to lease a part of an adjoining agricultural field which would accommodate play space which was to be lost as a result of the additional classroom spaces.
St Oswald’s Play Space
A lease was agreed with the diocese to use part of the agricultural field adjacent to the school as compensatory outdoor play place since the majority of their outdoor space has been taken by a new classroom block.
Scheme of Six Contemporary Dwellings
More information coming soon!
Extension & Refurbishment of Dwelling
More information coming soon!
New Bath Hotel
The New Bath Hotel is something of a hidden gem in Derbyshire, despite several poor quality additions and alterations in the past. The building lay empty for many years since closing and the interiors were left eerily staged as though only recently evacuated.
Conversion of Barns to Form Holiday Accommodation
More information coming soon!
Camping Pod
We call it the 'Jabba'! It is a partially pre-fabricated, modular building which is being let out on an existing campsite in the Peak District.
Wards Shoe Shop
Our client was set to open a new store for their growing business within a shopping centre in Chesterfield. The time period between getting the keys and opening before Christmas was 2 weeks and so the programme was tight!
'The Bowl'
We were invited to look at what could be done with a huge bowling green in Hornscroft Park, Bolsover. Unused for nine years, the green was becoming a problem to local residents as an informal gathering place for anti-social behaviour.
Sure Start
Sure Start, Rosehill is a lively, colourful, nursery and community centre, wrapped around a south facing garden creating an oasis of calm for young children in a fairly busy and cosmopolitan area of Derby. ‘The Big Building’ was the winning entry when local school children were invited to choose a name.
The school playground was a grim expanse of tarmac edged on one side by an elevated section of the six-lane Nottingham ring road. We created a huge ‘living’ tunnel with climbing plants forming the side and roof. A sound system plays birdsong. Within this space the whole school can meet for lunches and events, and parents can wait and socialise.